Tday break down

This year, I snagged an all natural, organic, free range yadda yadda yadda turkey from the co-op on Capitol Hill AND carried the 18-lb. bird home with me on the bus. I’m a commuter not to be messed with I tell ya!

Cooked up this bad boy on Friday (there are never any leftovers from the fam Tday), sliced and diced it up and froze the cooked meat (with some chickens stock) in small portions to enjoy for the next few months. Turkey sandwiches in January sound mighty nice!

My preferred method of bird cooking involves a Reynolds oven bag. These things are pure genius! You basically put the bird in it, tie it up, slap it on a pan then throw it in the oven. No basing, no checking and the top gets nice and golden too. Highly recommended if you aren’t a whiz in the kitchen or are just plain lazy. Plus, they tend to cook faster in the bag. Ahhh, cooking science – gotta love it.

I also had first attempt at making cranberry sauce. Usually we do the can thing, but I came across a few recipes that seemed way too easy so it was game on! Decided The Pioneer Woman was a safe bet and made this:

Pomegranate Cranberry Sauce 

While I was in the holiday spirit, I dolled up this veggie and pickle tray with inspiration from Pinterest. If you’ve gotta eat veggies, they might as well be in the shape of a bird – duh.

We also had a little turkey quiz made by yours truly. The Sugiura/Heuer clan is a competitive group – sadly, peeps didn’t study up on their holiday facts. The big winner got 5 out of 11 correct.

Holiday quiz time!
Big winner: Aunt Susan šŸ™‚

Hope you and yours had a lovely Thanksgiving!

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