The story of our lives. Selling a home really is all consuming. Showing need to be scheduled, floors need to be vacuumed and dogs needs to be put away as to not to scare off potential buyers. Ugh. I can’t wait until we’re in contract and I don’t have to keep the house spotless 24/7.
Some days, I feel like doing this……arg, the stresses of being an event planner during event season! That explains my MIA-ness…..June 5th can’t come soon enough.
Oh man, it’s never ending. Just when I declared I’ve lessened my ‘tech time’ I go and buy myself a new iPad for my birthday AND find fantastic new apps. I won’t even go into my new/old gaming obsession, SNOOD…UGH.
My new fav app is called Over. It’s a quick and easy way to add cool typography to your pics. I’m still trying to get the hang of it, but overall I’m having fun so far!
What are the new, hip apps that have been dazzling you lately??
Loving: Incorporating my new gifted holiday jewelry into my wardrobe! I must say, everything I received (thanks BF and sis!) has already made it into regular rotation and it’s only mid-January. I love when new items fit seamlessly into my clothing obsessed world. AND, it gives me a good reason to get rid of the cheap stuff I’ve been hanging onto – so long Forever 21 earrings! It’s been real.
Reading: I just finished Bad Habits: Confessions of a Recovering Catholic by Jenny McCarthy – meh – I’m getting desperate. I feel like I’m running out of book options in the online library. I guess I need to expand my search outside of biographies, even though they are my most fav genre! I might have to break down and buy the third book of the Game of Thrones as a special treat to myself if I can’t find anything worthy of a read. I’ve been SO good and have waited SO patiently……
Watching: We saw Argo last night at iPic. Hello Ben Affleck! What a DILF. Oh, and great movie by the way š After seeing my third movie in a row at iPic, I’ve realized that I’ve become one of “those people.” The kind that can’t go to a regular movie theater anymore. I need the reclining chairs. I need the neck pillow and fuzzy throw blanket. I need table side snack service. Ugh. This bad habit needs to stop.
Listening to: KEXP. ALL THE FREAKIN TIME. I love that station so much so that I decided it was time to be a donor and support the ‘ish I love. I don’t know what I’d do without John in the morning and the Friday song! That’s my jam.
Thinking about: My upcoming 31st birthday which I’m constantly reminded of every time I step on one of those damn ellipticals where it not only makes you enter your age BUT your weight too. Talk about a double whammy. Sheesh. I’m a huge birthday celebrator and love planning big, but I’m feeling the need to tone it down this year. My favorite meal cooked by my mom and a few friends will do. Oh, and conecakes.
Surprised by: Nothing really. Anyone got any good surprises for me?
Making me sad: My poor puppy. We’ve definitely gotten her over the hump, but man, I just can’t get her back to 100%. She’s had a lingering cough that has been worrisome so I took her into the vet last week for a check up. They ended up doing a few x-rays of her heart and it has enlarged since the last one in August š We’re now working on getting her squared away with long term medication for her heart murmur. I’m constantly worried that she’s in pain and/or uncomfortable. Anyone have any experience with puppies with heart issues?
Making me happy: WE’RE GETTING A NBA TEAM BACK TO SEATTLE. ‘Nuff said.