JFS Food Sort

Bagel-mobile. My car smelled like a bakery for days.

The empty food sorting table. So lonely.

Unloading the trucks!

The full food sorting table. So happy!

Well sorted soups.

Been so caught up in “Wedding Planning 2014” that I failed to share this killer JFS event – our annual Food Sort – which happened the morning after we got engaged. I was in charge of hospitality and spent the morning picking up the 25 dozen bagels and making sure our volunteers were caffeinated and snacked up throughout the event.

The event included food delivers from local community groups as well as a large sort where volunteers went through the TONS of food and box them up according to categories ie. soup, vegetables, noodles. I’d say it’s by far one of the most popular events we host and I’m always glad to partner with our Food Bank staff to make it happen. Those guys (and gals!) rock! 

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