Loving: Wearing black from head to toe. Black used to be my go to wardrobe color (like most gals) and I tried very hard to get away from it for many years. Jewel tones were embraced, earth tones began to make an appearance and OMG even neons snuck their way into my closet! But alas, I’ve come full circle and black is back my friends. Head to toe, gloriously slimming black.
Reading: After reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed, about her experience hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, I was still feeling the trail love/adventure and thought I would give Hiking Through by Paul Stutzman, a shot since it was about the PCT’s sister trek the Appalachian Trail. Unfortunately, this book had far too many religious references and too little trail descriptors so I quickly thumbed through it, trying to salvage my read by finding the more interesting parts. I would like to eventually find a good book about this trail so any suggestions are welcome!
Watching: NFL, but not by choice. We are a one TV household and it seems like it’s been taken over by football, which will soon be taken over by basketball, which will run through next spring. Arg. This gal is not a sports fan and navigating through the gauntlet of games leaves a girl agitated. We’ve put in place a series of household rules to try and quell my viewing frustration, but it seems like the only permanent solution would be to get a second TV.
Thinking about: Christmas. I know, I know. It’s like I’ve skipped over fall and headed straight into winter! Fall is great and all, but there are only so many pumpkin spice lattes a girl can drink before her pants start fitting a bit too snug. I’m devising a new budgeting plan for the holiday season – ie. I make a budget and stick to it for once.
Surprised by: How little I’ve been to the gym lately. I know it’s good for me and I know I feel way better after going but I just. can’t. seem. to. get. my. butt. in. gear. I’m toying with the idea of lunchtime workouts to get myself out of the office because once I spend the evening commuting home, cooking dinner and walking the dog, I’m spent. I think there are enough yoga/pilates studios around my neck of the woods to pull the ‘first time student’ class discounts to last me a few months.
Making me sad: Waking up to darkness and coming home to darkness which leads to shorter, unexciting sidewalk walks with my pup Stella vs. fun, woodsy walks which I know she prefers. I love to see her frolic and sniff around off leash and there’s far less of that during these colder months. I hate walking in the rain (so does she) and it’s scary to walk alone in the dark even though my neighborhood is plenty safe. I’m hoping daylight savings might help give me a bit of help on this one.
Making me happy: Clamming tides are posted and we’ve tentatively set a date to go in mid-November. Clamming is my #1 fav activity and it’s become a big event that friends and family look forward to every year. We usually rent a house by the beach, bring plenty of yummy food and spend the weekend diggin’ clams and drinking a bit too much.
**this blog post was inspired by – check her out!