Watching: GoT. The end. Enough said. If you are not watching Game of Thrones, we can’t be friends.
Loving: The blip of good weather we had over the weekend. We threw our first BBQ of the season with great success although I suspect we’ll be eating chips and hot dogs for the next two weeks. Hey, as long as there is cream cheese involved, I’m a-ok!
Listening to: This sounds way cheesy, but the birds. We’ve got a ton of feathered friends in the neighborhood and it’s kinda fun to sit outside and hear them chip at each other. That and the planes and helicopters flying overhead :-/
Doing: Taking hella naps. We’ve had a few mid-week days off for the holidays and I’ve been using every opportunity to sleep and sleep often. I’ve got a big few weeks ahead of me so the more rest I get now, the better shape I’ll be in on May 8.
Reading: GoT book 4 AGAIN. I like to have it fresh in my mind whilst watching the show 🙂
Eating: Chicken Tostado Salads from Taco Time. I have a big ole crush on Taco Time. It’s my go to “fast food” though I don’t think it should be in the same category as say, McDonald’s or Arby’s. TT is oh so fresh!
Thinking about: How to “marry” our finances once we’re actually married. We’ve always kept our monies separate – owning your own biz is way complicated and I didn’t want to get myself involved in that. But then I realize that we will have to file our taxes together next year and I’m totally starting to freaking out about ALL of our finances. I suspect we’ll need to hire an accountant, which I’ve never had to do, for our 2014 taxes. Man, this marriage thing isn’t just a quick trip down the aisle…..
**This blog post was inspired by – check her out!