Watching: (As of Sunday….)the Olympics! As a non-cable household, it’s pretty darn exciting to have something interesting to watch each night. Curling? Sure. Skeleton? Great! Ice skating? Hells yes! I love the personal stories that are woven into the programming too. Unfortunately, since Russia is so far ahead in time zone status, I usually know what is going to happen before I watch, but hey, that’s OK.
Loving: That spring is just around the corner (I think….) My yard is telling me that, so I’m going to go with it. I’ve been shopping for rain barrels online recently, half of my seeds are purchased and I’m just waiting a few more short weeks to plant the indoor starters.
Listening to: Ma new shuffle! I somehow broke my nano a while back only after a few uses – so annoying – so my man got me a purple one. Hopefully it will be hard to break that little thing, though I can see it getting washed :-/ Alt J, QOTSA and Jay Z are buzzing in my head again when stomping out those stairs!
Doing: Stressing out a bit about work. I’m usually a pretty stress free gal, but for some reason, my big event is making me nervous. Things just aren’t lining up like they have in previous years. We’ve got a big goal to make and I’m feeling some added weight on my shoulders. Fingers crossed that it’ll all pan out, but for now, I’m stressin.
Reading: Still nothing….I can get about as far as these days. It’s a sad, sad thing when one does not read. I do hope to start the final GoT book though. My hairdresser said I can’t come back until I’ve read it.
Eating: 26 +/- some points each day. Ah yes, the Weight Watchers tracking system. My old, annoying friend. Trying to stay on the train with the help of lots of fruit, eggs, salads and the such until our engagment photos this weekend. I haven’t been uber good, but the scale slowly keeps creepin’ down so I’m sticking with it. (Sorry, not sorry homemade peanut butter cookies).
Thinking about: Next year ie. what it will be like to NOT have to plan and save for a wedding. Vacation days that won’t go towards wedding organization, monies that won’t have to be spent on flower arrangements or DJs, weekends that don’t include the trying on of dresses. Ahhhh….that will be a glorious time. I can’t wait.
**This blog post was inspired by – check her out!