Loving: That I’m just about done with my holiday shopping! I’ve got a few more errands to run this evening then that should be just about it – phew. I also wrapped most of the gifts this week so I’m feeling way ahead of the curve right now.
Reading: I just finished The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker. WOW. What a great read and it wasn’t some smutty, tween novel! I’m feeling way more mature with my reading choices these days. I won’t give it away, but what a cool concept for a story. I was hooked and could not put that book down! I also just started Insatiable: Tales from a Life of Delicious Excess by Gael Greene. So far, so good! Man, this lady is pretty freaking awesome. Sleeping with Elvis….being in the forefront of the foodie/sexual revolution movement…..def a book worth reading!
(Soon to be) Watching: Well, we’ll be seeing The Hobbit this weekend so that counts, right? We splurged on the fancy iPic Theater with the plush chairs. I’m hoping I’ll be able to stay awake for the entire show. Me + movie + comfortable seating usually = Leslie fast asleep.
Thinking about: Our move to Seattle sometime next year. With me working on Capitol Hill and the BF driving back and forth for meetings and such, we decided that it’d make the most sense for us to make the big move to the city. I suspect it’ll be the early summer of 2013 after all of my work events. I’m a bit worried about fixing up then renting out my condo BUT I do love to reorganize, redecorate and de-clutter.
Surprised by: How cranky pants people get around the holidays. We made a quick trip to the local mall a few weekends ago and peeps were throwin down! I thought we were going to see a fight in the parking garage. Relax guys…grab a drink…enjoy your family and chillax. It’s just a holiday. Sheesh.
Making me sad: Knowing that people still don’t agree with the recent passing of R74, the marriage equality law for Washington state. R74 does not redefine marriage. It simply asked voters to affirm the bipartisan state law by approving the question, which would allow all loving couples to marry. Voting to approve gay marriage was a ‘no duh’ issue for me. Anyone, should be able to marry, regardless of their sexual preferences. I don’t know why others seem to think that putting people down and discriminating them based on the person they love is OK.
Making me happy: Knowing that I’ll have a few long weekends ahead of me. Work is starting to pick up and once January hits, it’s going to be on like Donkey Kong. This is my last chance to rest up and recharge before the event chaos takes over my life.
**this blog post was inspired by – check her out!