The Garden Part 1

Well, the day has finally come – my first trip to Flower World has been completed! My aunt, mom and I spent a few hours Saturday afternoon roaming the endless greenhouses of the infamous Malbty nursery in search of the perfect shade-loving plants for my newly landscaped yard.

I’d heard from many fellow gardeners that it can be very overwhelming so I made sure to do my research and had a nice little list ready. We immediately went to the shade section and I picked out some beautiful toad lillies, ferns, bleeding hearts and lenten roses. I also got two Japanese maples to anchor the yard as well as sweetbox and a hydranga to add some additional height. $300 dollars later, I had two full carts of lovely flowers and plants for my garden! Man, gardening isn’t cheap.

A quick trip to Fred Meyer the next day for a few more plants completed my first weekend of gardening. There are still some holes that need to be filled in, but I’m happy with the results so far. I can’t wait for everything to grow! It’s starting to look like a jungle out there!

Photo: Astibles, coral bells and a Japanese maple round out this side.

Photo: A Goldflame spirea centers this bed with bleeding hearts, ferns and annuals adding color and interest. Wow, I sound like a professional.

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