Hello? Is this thing on?
Yeah, where to start on this one…it’s been a grip. Sorry about that folks. Work was crazy busy for a minute then we officially entered the second trimester and now I can hardly put a sentence together nor write my own name. Thank god for spell check! I do recall that two Fridays ago we found out we are having a little girl, which is crazy exciting. The fact that I haven’t bought one single piece of clothing is also pretty exciting as I’m a notorious shopper. My Mom is a different story though š So lots of baby stuff happening right now.
Work has quieted down. We somehow broke last year’s Luncheon record and raised $1.3 million. Gawd, folks are generous. So freaking generous. Spending this summer prepping for Luncheon 2017 so I can take my maternity leave in peace. I’ll have to hit the ground running after the first of the year though. Oy.
Garden is hanging on. I managed to get tomatoes in the ground but have neglected all vegetables. Still got my eye on strawberries, blueberries and raspberries though. Can’t let those lovelies wither and die! Had a bumper crop of peonies that were gorgeous so I consider that a win. We’ll see what next year holds.
What else? Been making lots of time for friends. Dinner with friends, coffee with friends, friend’s baby showers…it’s fun to catch up with the gal pals and makes me feel semi-normal even though a glass of wine is no longer included. Speaking of friends, cleared out the last of my belongings from my ‘rents house and came across ye old yearbooks. Wow. First off, who let me tweeze my eyebrows to death? And secondly, let this be a lesson learned for our future daughter. LEAVE YOUR EYEBROWS ALONE.
Oh and I’m going to the Gorge for one night of Sasquatch this weekend. Moms – am I crazy? I guess we’ll find out!