Cue that Van Halen song….

PANAMA! Here we come! I can’t believe it’s finally here – our big trip to Central America for Aaron and Laura’s nuptials. We fly out of Seattle at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow for 10 days of adventure in Panama City and Bocas del Toro. It will be cool to see both the Pacific and Carri bean sides of the country. A visit to the Panama Canal will also be on the list for sure as well as plenty of snorkeling, fishing and other beach activities. I’ve heard Bocas Town is a beautiful, quirky tropical location. Lots of mangrove forests and coral reefs. Looking forward to exploring it all! We’ll have very limited access to a computer so I don’t know if I’ll be able to get any photos up during the trip, but I look forward to posting them all right here when we get back! See you in 10 days!

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