Movin’ Manure
Photo: My first three plants courtsey of Chef Kurt!
Spring is finally here and I’ve cleared my weekends from here on out for gardening! I put the finishing touches on my layout on Friday and figured it was time to get some good, composty dirt for my garden beds. I’ve got an appointment with Flower World next Saturday with my aunt and mom so I needed to get the beds ready for all of the fantastic shade-loving plants I’m going to purchase.
We picked out the garden mix at Rede-Soil in Redmond and got a nice big truck-load of the smelly stuff. After one busted wheelbarrow and three hours of manual labor, we had a newly landscaped yard with raised garden beds! Unfortunately, it’s very stinky at this time, but I guess that means it’s nice and rich in nutrients. I’m trying to keep Stella out of it – the last thing I need is a poo smelling dog in the house!
We’re going to fill in the rest of the yard with pavers and gravel with plenty of moss to soften things up. I’ll be glad when I can just worry about pulling up the occasional weed and not having to do all of this back breaking work!