
2015 Sasquatch Music Festival

 We made it out alive. Always a good thing 🙂 Music, music, oh and more music. My ears are still ringing but it was all worth it. I forget just how much I love music festivals…the people watching, the endless dancing, the entertainment, the unique atmosphere…’s addicting. Until next year, Sasquatch.
Sasquatch Music Festival -
Wheel in the sky... -
Aglow -
The King of Sasaquatch -
Sasquatch Music Festival at the Gorge -
The end of the festival weekend -



So you wanna attend a music festival?

Left: me normal. Right: me festival.

I’m fresh off the three music festival weekend that is Sasquatch and by no means would I consider myself a “festival expert.” But I would like to share a few tips with you that came to mind as I transitioned my way back into real life.


Pack snacks/lunch/dinner
Food at the Gorge kinda sucks (besides the elephant ears of course!) and is also expensive. Hello $11+ beers! Bringing in a few treats will keep your bank account and stomach happy!

BYO a water bottle
Hydration stations abound and are def the way to go. Water is key for 12 hour days of music festival-ing.

Rent a locker
You are bound to have a few items that need stashing over the weekend. Fork over that cash to save your back from breaking. Plus your dance moves will vastly improve without having to shake it with a pack on!

Sneak in glowing items
Even if you aren’t a hardcore raver, it’s still fun to rock some glowing gear at night.

Define a meeting space
We had a group of 5 of us and not once did someone get lost. Pick a place close by a stage so if you do end up waiting a bit for someone, you can at least enjoy some music.

Throw your hands in the air! So what if this band or that isn’t really your thing. Listen, take it all in and just go with it! Trust me, your dance moves will be just as good as your neighbor’s.


Think a bra is a top
OMGeee….I saw way too many of these. Ladies, I know it covers the same “parts” as a bathing suit top but bras are, well, bras.

Dress normally
I’m not saying you should wear a head to toe penguin suit (unless you really want to), but this is your time to dress a bit more funky. Head to toe neon? Sure! Funny hats? Why not? My concert gear is def not something I would wear normally, but that’s what makes it fun!

Sit on the hill
The sound royally sucks on the hill people! I know, I know standing on cement isn’t always fun, but rock out on the floor and save the hill for resting in between sets. Why pay for a music festival when you put yourself in a place where the sound blows?

Forget the sunscreen
Cloudy can still mean sunburns. Duh.

What are your tips and tricks for making it though a music fest?


We made it!

Feeling good on day 2!

Well consider Sasquatch 2014 a wrap my friends! I can’t believe it’s over. Phew! What a weekend! I’ve been to many shows in my lifetime, but this was my first multi-day festival. I was a bit nervous about it – the heat, the endless standing, the crazy people…..but I made it out alive abet on the tired side.We stayed at Wildhorse Campground (highly, highly recommended) which had a shuttle to the festival, hot and more importantly clean showers, an espresso stand AND a grill that made wraps and burgers. People, this is the way to go if you are to visit the Gorge. That GA camping should be banned. Seriously. Ick.

Highlights of the weekend included: Outkast, Queens of the Stone Age, Big Freedia, MIA, Phantogram, Phosphorescent, Major Lazer, Crystal Fighters and Lucius.

Observations of the weekend included: bras as tops (wtf ladies?), glow bracelets are confiscation material, Gorge elephant ears aren’t exactly elephant ears but taste awesome anyways, open air showers rule, conversations with strangers are always entertaining,  earplugs are nerdy but necessary and tater tot nachos are actually kinda good 🙂

The crew.
The Bigfoot Stage – some of the best performances were here.
Taking a seat.
The end of a weekend. Yes, I’m old and wear earplugs.
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