Turkey time!

I must say, my first attempt at cooking a turkey was a great success! I decided to go with the oven bags after receiving good reviews from my colleagues and I’m glad I did! It came out perfect and moist and all I did was throw it in the oven for 4 hours. I was a bit worried at first because the darn thing was still a bit frozen on the inside after 3 days of thawing in the fridge. Luckily, that didn’t seem to matter and the bird was that perfect, golden brown.

I cheated on the stuffing and the gravy – I know. Prepping that bird was stressful enough so I figured I could cut corners in other places. The Trader Joe’s cornbread stuffing mix was pretty awesome. I just added some cooked sausage to beef it up. The gluten free gravy was OK. Next time, I’m making gravy the old fashioned way (just gotta figure out how to get the juice out of the bag without making a mess!)

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