Can I getta pin?

O-M-Geee….new obsession. Pinterest. Ever heard of it? It’s THE BEST new web thang around! The web site is a virtual pin board where you can post all of the fabulous, fun and fierce things you find online. It allows you to sort and save these ideas into different boards creating endless inspiration, and I mean endless! You can also get ideas from other people’s boards too – I love when I see someone re-pinning my ideas! Sadly, my boards seem to include more food ideas than anything else, but hey, that’s what inspiring at the moment:-) I’m trying to focus more on home decorating – there’s only so many pumpkin treats to pin!

For some reason, the site does not work as well at my place of work so I have to save links in my email and pin them at home – a bit annoying, but it keeps me focused on my real work during the day. I also think you have to be invited to join – you can’t just sign up for it – so let me know and I can send you the email. Happy pinning!

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