A new look.

So if you are a regular ‘Les is More’ blog follower (I’m hoping there are more that 3 of you out there…..) you might have noticed a new look going on around here. Please say hello to my new design template with its slick new contemporary black and white look! So refreshing and SO overdue!

I was sick and tired of the boring blogger template and honestly, I just wanted my widget/gadget thingys to not look so crappy. Is that too much for a gal to ask? I’d been fiddling with them for SO long and all I wanted were cute little buttons that all my fellow bloggers had and not those god awful, chunky ugly ones Blogger keeps around for some reason.

A quick search on Etsy showed me that I can have a cute, updated look (with those buttons I’ve always wanted!) without breaking the bank. Ummmm…$36 dollars you say? Sign me up. Granted, it might not be a one of a kind design, but it will do for now until I can save my pennies for a fully customized blog.

I must admit, I’m no html specialist and I was a bit worried about installing it myself. I’ve messed with my blog before and did some whacked out things that were tough to fix. Fortunately, this one came together fairly easily. Mostly just cutting, pasting and deleting things. Simple enough!

What are your secrets to keeping a blog fresh without spending a fortune? Have you had your blog professionally designed recently? Do you find yourself messing with your blog then realizing that you’ve messed it up?

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