Coupon clippin’
I’ve decided to start clipping coupons. Like really clip coupons. Like do the research and spend the time hunting down the real deals. I’m sick of spending $75 for two people’s groceries for the week – so ridiculous – but we eat so well š So now it’s time to get serious about our spending habit, especially with the BF’s job situation. And hey, I wouldn’t mind a few extra dollars in my pocket at the end of the week.
I began by doing a bit of online research; I really found this site to be helpful and it was from a local gal from Tacoma (always a plus to support local peeps!). I think the most vaulable thing I learned so far is about the difference between manufacturers and store coupons and how you can usually use them at the same time. Pair that with a deal already in the store and you got yourself a nice little discount! I also learned that you need to plan ahead – it might sound ridiculous to buy 5 boxes of cereal at once, but you save in the long run. We’ll have to do a bit of re-organizing to make space for the extra items purchased.
Here’s to the day when I pay $25 for a $50 grocery store bill! Well, that’s my goal at least……