
Coupon clippin’

I’ve decided to start clipping coupons. Like really clip coupons. Like do the research and spend the time hunting down the real deals. I’m sick of spending $75 for two people’s groceries for the week – so ridiculous – but we eat so well šŸ™‚ So now it’s time to get serious about our spending habit, especially with the BF’s job situation. And hey, I wouldn’t mind a few extra dollars in my pocket at the end of the week.

I began by doing a bit of online research; I really found this site to be helpful and it was from a local gal from Tacoma (always a plus to support local peeps!). I think the most vaulable thing I learned so far is about the difference between manufacturers and store coupons and how you can usually use them at the same time. Pair that with a deal already in the store and you got yourself a nice little discount! I also learned that you need to plan ahead – it might sound ridiculous to buy 5 boxes of cereal at once, but you save in the long run. We’ll have to do a bit of re-organizing to make space for the extra items purchased.

Here’s to the day when I pay $25 for a $50 grocery store bill! Well, that’s my goal at least……


Halloween Time!

Photo: Me, as a Geisha.

Photo: Adam, as a Tea Party Activist. He LOVES wigs.Photo: A strange couple.
Photo: The gals heading out to the masquerade ball.

Another successfull Halloween! Spent the evening playing beer pong at our friend Kyle’s newly purchased house in Renton. The Geisha sleeves weren’t exactly ideal for hittin’ those cups and our winning streak was broken by Alice and the Mad Hatter. Oh well. We saw quite a few great costumes including Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, the guy who does the Humpty Dance song and a homemade Oscar the Grouch. Can’t forget my sister, Liz, who rocked a handpainted Sponge Bob Square Pants outfit!


Caety’s Skate King B-Day Bash!

I think I’ve had non-stop activities since the beginning of August……this one has to have just about topped them all (besides Penny’s wedding, of course!) Who knew this place would still look and smell (!) the same? And a warning for all of you who are thinking about hitting the rink some time soon – be wary of the ‘regulars’ – they aren’t too fond of newbies taking over their scene. Ha!


Brown – Hein Wedding

Just thought I’d get a few of these up….wow, what a weekend! One of my BFF’s got hitched. So pretty and so fun!
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