Installing sticky tiles in a bathroom
So I just completed my first real do-it-yourself project all by myself: installing sticky tiles in my dated bathroom. I had read about them on a few home improvement web sites and it seemed like it would be an easy project so I added it to my infamous ‘To Do’ list for the weekend. Thanks to the Home Depot, I now have fab floors for less than $70!
It did take a bit of muscle and I did have to re-do a few tiles more than once due to inaccurate (and impatient) cutting, but overall it was a fairly painless project. I would definitely suggest laying them all out first before peeling and sticking; I had a few tricky areas and it was good to see where those ended up. It’s not 100% perfect (nothing an area rug can’t cover), but it’s a vast improvement!
Now all I need is for my dad to come over and finish up the trim. Oh and all of that electrical business too (thanks Dean for your expertise this weekend!)….it’s never ending around here…..