i’m busy.

Steamboat Rock State Park - cultivatedrambler.com

Yup, def not busy here.

You guys…not to get on a soapbox or anything, but I came across this article the other day and it REALLY spoke to me. This whole busy concept just really blows my mind. I hear this phrase so much around me and honestly, I really dislike it. It’s like everyone is trying to “out busy” each other – that being busy defines you and makes you a better person. And that if you aren’t crazy busy, then you aren’t being a productive member of society, that you aren’t successful. UGH.



summer eats.

Tomato frittata with spring green salad - cultivatedrambler.com
Man, it’s been hot around here lately. I know, I know….I shouldn’t complain because it’ll just turn around and rain for the rest of the year then I’ll be complaining about that too. Such is life as a Seattleite! We aren’t exactly known for 90+ degree days so when it stays hot like this, I try and be extremely strategic when it comes to dinner. There’s nothing more crappy then having to be in the kitchen so I try and make things that will last a few days and be OK if they are served cold. In comes this frittata – add onions and feta cheese too! What’s your go to dinner for hot days?

oh hay!

Haircuts over the years - cultivatedrambler.comLooks a little different, eh? I decided it was time for a good old face lift for my blog since I’m into my 8th year! Just like my hair style changes with the times, so should my blog. Am I right ladies? It’s a work in progress, but I’m headed in a new, fantastic direction.

Check out my ‘about page‘ to see how I thought up this new name. I think I like it šŸ™‚ Oh, and I also decided to jump ship to WordPress from Blogger. I’ve been with Blogger since 2007 but much prefer the WordPress interface. I use it a lot at work and definitely started crushing on it HARD. Having a self hosted blog is very mature if you ask me!

But even though there are some changes, you’ll still find the same old me here. Same content. Same attitude. I hope you enjoy the new look ‘n feel! Lemme know what you think!

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Pre-travel Checklist

Traveling around the world - cultivatedrambler.comI think it’s taken a solid month to get our ducks in a row so to speak for our trip to Europe. This will be our first time on an extended trip and I want to be sure we run into as few hiccups as possible. Here’s my checklist for getting organized for the big trip! (more…)

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