

Organic gardening, Seattle, Lettuce, Lavender, Crimson Clover
Oh golly, things are starting to look real nice-like out back. Most days, I come home after work and throw on my super sexy gardening overalls plus my ole crocs and it’s out to the garden I go! No matter how tired or lazy I’m feeling, my energy level immediately picks up and 2 hours later, I’ve spruced up another section of the yard. I swear, gardening is therapy to me. And it’s free.
Stella usually comes and hangs out while I’m out there. That dog has to sniff every weed and blade of grass I touch and it’s funny watching her be so curious. Bees are doing their thing – pollinating our berries and happily bobbing on the lavender stems. Birds are singing all sorts of songs….you’d think we were living out in the country! Then a 747 lands on Boeing Field and you realize that you are living smack in the middle of a city 🙂 Ahhh, such is the joy of urban farming!
Organic lettuce, Gardening, Seattle


Finally! Some of my seeds are starting to pop up! The first round of planting was a bit mixed as far as sprouting went. The lettuce, carrots and peas did just fine but my zucchini, squash, broccoli, kale and cauliflower did not. I’m planting the second round this week and hopefully this lil heat wave will do the trick. For back up, I’ve planted another round of the newly dubbed “more difficult” seeds in my mini greenhouse. If that doesn’t do the trick, I don’t know what will. Oh to be a gardener in the PNW……sigh.
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