A Future to Believe In

IMG_8951Finding out that we are having a kiddo has really lit a fire under my ass. I’ve always semi paid attention to politics but was never very actively involved. I mean I voted and all, but that was about it. Now that we’re bringing someone into this world, I’ve been thinking a lot about the kind of place I’d want my future family to be raised in. I’m not super comfortable sharing my views verbally because I never feel quite articulate enough even though the passion is there. I’m easily frustrated as my thoughts never seem to come out making much sense! I’m way envious of my husband who is extremely eloquent and intelligent. I don’t know how he retains all of that information some times! And he’s always so cool and collected. Ugh. It’s not fair 😉

But for what I lack in the conversation/debate piece, I make up for in my ability to act. So act we did, a few Fridays ago at the Bernie Sanders rally at Safeco Field. We waited in line with our fellow supporters for 2.5 hours – the positive, uplifting energy was contagious! Once inside, we found our seats and spent the next 45 minutes or so watching a potential presidential nominee share his vision for the future. We cheered, we booed, (I cried a bit.) and left feeling extremely inspired. What a memorable date night!

That inspiration continued into the next day and we attended our first caucus. I’d never caucused before and found the experience to be a bit frustrating at times. It wasn’t super organized and our table lacked a bit of direction. It was great meeting our neighbors though. I had a 99 year old woman next to me who’d been brought there by her granddaughter. She didn’t speak much English but we exchanged a few words and smiles. She had Bernie’s name proudly written on the top of her paper. I might have teared up again (darn pregnancy hormones!) To be that age and exercising your right to vote was a true inspiration. Regardless if he gets the Democratic nomination or not, I feel so good for stepping up and supporting someone I believe in.


A special announcement!

IMG_8904Adam and I are thrilled to announce that we are having a baby! It still doesn’t even seem real. We’ve been together for almost ten years and married for a year and a half and this was in our game plan, but still…wow.

Now that the cat is out of the bag so to speak, here are the top questions I’ve been asked so far:

When did you find out?

Oh in late January! It was a typical Monday night and I was getting ready to watch The Bachelor and wanted a glass of wine. I thought “what the hell?” and took a test thinking it’d definitely be negative and low and behold, it wasn’t. Adam came home shortly afterward and I’m pretty sure I yelled at him to go look in the bathroom. He thought he was in trouble, but then saw the test! Horribly romantic, hun? I was just too shocked to think of some cute way to tell him!

When are you due?

Late September/early October. He/she will be a Libra! The Sugiura/Heuer families have typically had winter birthdays so this fall birthday will be a new one for us! Being home on maternity leave around the holidays seems like it will be a good thing? TBD on that. I’ll most likely go back to work after the first of the year.

What are you having?

We won’t know until mid-May, but will share the news! The planner in me isn’t fond of surprises (neither is Adam). I like to be WELL prepared.

How are you feeling?

Overall, really good. I had very little morning sickness but am uber tired. I can barely keep my eyes open after 3:30 p.m. I’m not getting much done in the evenings besides watching lots of TV. I hope that now I’m into my second trimester that I’ll get a bit more energy. The garden is looking pretty sad these days! I’ve had a few food aversions but generally have had no issues eating my usual fare. Oranges and french dip sandwiches are extra awesome these days though! And water. Water all day, every day. I’m still working out but have found that I get winded pretty quickly. I do hope to stay pretty active these next six months.

Are you showing?

Nope, just looks like I ate at Chipotle recently and/or forgot to do core work this week. Pants are uncomfortable but luckily I’m more of a dress/skirt sorta gal.

How did your family react?

VERY VERY EXCITED. This poor child is going to be the first grand-baby on either side in a long time. I think the closest cousin is 10 or 11 years old? So yeah, this kiddo will be fawned over and spoiled for sure. We know that we are super lucky to have family close by and eager to help. We told everyone last weekend and there was plenty of cheers and tears. Poor Stella though…she doesn’t know that her world is going to turn upside down!

OK, that’s it for now! I need a nap. XO-


34 Things I’ve Learned

In honor of my 34th birthday that’s quickly approaching, here are the top 34 things I’ve learned so far on my years here on earth! In no particular order, mind you…

  1. Always pet your dog.
  2. Travel…to Eastern Washington or Eastern Europe. It doesn’t matter!
  3. Dessert is OK for breakfast sometimes.
  4. Call your grandparents.
  5. Explore your own backyard. Try that restaurant around the corner or bird watch from your patio.
  6. Turn off the TV and pick up a book now and then.
  7. Shop local.
  8. Be prepared. Have the basic emergency items on hand.
  9. Grow something.
  10. Send out photos. Not everyone is on the Facebook.
  11. Know how to make a good cup of coffee at home.
  12. Save a little.
  13. Find comfortable shoes and wear them to death.
  14. Have a signature dish that can be the star at any party.
  15. Purposely leave your phone at home sometimes.
  16. Take your vitamins.
  17. Buy new bras every 6 months.
  18. Stay connected to your friends. I’ve found that life can get in the way more and more as we get older.
  19. A glass of wine on a Tuesday can taste better than a glass on Saturday.
  20. Less is more (and the less you have to clean up!)
  21. Appreciate your family.
  22. Yoga can actually be a workout.
  23. It’s always helpful to have your favorite cookie recipe memorized.
  24. Moisturize on the daily.
  25. Take a hike.
  26. Support a farmer.
  27. Find the best foundation for your face, no matter the cost.
  28. Be grateful.
  29. Try and speak your partner’s love language.
  30. Have a dress that makes you feel like thebomb.com. and can be worn night or day.
  31. Make plans. And more importantly, keep them.
  32. Create things.
  33. Find a little grace within yourself.
  34. There’s no such thing as too many naps.

2016 Garden Plans

blogger-image-699941818Yes my friends. It is time. Planning for the 2016 garden season has begun! These rainy weekends are perfect for sketching, list building and seed catalog scouring. My focus this year is getting the main bed organized by divvying it up into eight plots. Other goals include:

  • Get raspberries healthy again – I had a major case of rust last year
  • Add more blueberry bushes as you can never have too many IMO
  • Incorporate more color with perennials, especially ones that are pollinator friendly!

Designating the eight plots will help me closely keep track of what’s been planted where year to year. I’m also really good about stomping all over so I’m hoping these new beds will keep me from doing that. Although it seems like I’ll have less space, I think I’ll be able to “do more with less” with smart companion planting. My plan is to border these beds with strawberries, herbs and perennials to draw all of the bugs to the yard! Well the good ones, so to speak.

I’ve become a bit more selective in what I’m planting this year. While it’s fun to plant a million different veggies, I’ve tried to narrow it down to what grows well in our yard and what we’ll actually consume. Here’s what will be sown this year:

  • Carrots
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato – from 3 plants up to 6 this year
  • Peas – both sugar and snap
  • Green beans
  • Potatoes – so fun to grow and harvest!
  • Squash – max 3 as we always have way too much, acorn though. Always acorn.

I like to support local and will be purchasing my seeds from the Seattle Seed Company in Madrona and will hopefully be sourcing my blueberry bushes at the Seattle Tilth edible plant sale coming up in March. The three bushes I got last year did amazing for their first year.

What are your 2016 plans? Do share!


Vashon Island

Took a quick day trip to Vashon Island the other weekend to get outta town and get some more practice time with my camera. The island is about a 10 minute ferry ride from West Seattle and is far more rural than I’d expected. We spent most of the afternoon driving around, spotting farm animals and snapping pics. We also had lunch at The Hardware Store, which served solid sandwiches and delish fries.

Tell me about your favorite day trip? Where should we go next?

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