2015 planning.
I know my fiance will just shake his head at this post – planning for something that’s 6 months down the road?! I’ve officially entered the nut house as far as he is concerned š
Above, is my rendition of my 2015 veggie garden plan (the red star burst things are flowers). I’ve taken what I’ve learned this year and made adjustments accordingly with a lil crop rotation. I’ve read that you should move plants around every year as to not strip the soil of it’s nutrients since different plants need different things. I’m so scientific, I know…
I also plan on adding a small, raised bed by our shed which will give me more growing room. Not sure what’s going to go there quite yet – such important decisions to make I know! It’s North/South facing, but is on the side of the building so it won’t get the morning sun, but will stay nice and toasty in the afternoon. Open to suggestions if you have ’em! I’m also trying to figure out other potential garden add on space. This girl can’t get enough!
Other goals I have for the upcoming gardening season:
- figure out our stupid gutters – add 2 rain barrels to our house
- add dwarf apple and pear trees along the fence line
- add blueberries – not sure where these will go…
- build a raised bed next to shed
- add WAY more flowers for pollinators plus create a mason bee house
- work on patio garden – add stuff ie. perennials that are purdy