yard werk.
We came back from Sasquatch and everything in the garden seemed to be busting at the seams! Our peas were all squished up against the netting, arugula had bolted 4 feet into the air, green beans had popped up and even the squash I planted less than two weeks ago had sprouted. It was insanity out there.
And then yesterday I saw it…the first ripe raspberry of the season. OMGee. It’s barely June! According to last year’s garden journal (yeah, I’m strange and document it all) we didn’t have raspberries until June 28 to be exact. Whoa. I suspect everything is going to be earlier than last year. Our three year old blueberry bush is looking quite good too. I think we’ll get a lil harvest out of that bad boy this year. Oh to be knee deep in berries – that is my version of heaven!