Clam Digging

les ocean.

Another epic weekend at the Washington Coast! We were spoiled with a hizzle in the Seabrook community. It was a little TOO nice with TOO many kids running around. I prefer my visits to the coast to have a bit of grit to ’em. But, having a hot tub to soak in post dig wasn’t so bad šŸ™‚

We had two days of early morning digs, which many of us weren’t super happy about. But once we were up and on the beach, it wasn’t so bad. Plus, there was plenty of time for naps and such in the afternoon. The sun even made an appearance on Saturday and we lounged on the deck with snacks and drinks in hand. It sure was nice.

The season is coming to a close in May so it’s time to put the waders and guns away until the fall. Sigh. Onto camping season!

The gang.



keep clam.

Clam digging on the Washington Coast

You guys…the Washington Coast. My FAVORITE place to be in this entire world (as you can tell by the photo above.) We had hearts set on NYE down there since before the wedding. Dec. 31 is always a tad boring in town so we gathered up our nearest and dearest to make the trek to Pacific Beach. Where else can you party in sweat pants AND have it be totally acceptable? Duh.

Our caravan included 9 people and 3 happy dogs, 2 extra aerobeds and enough snacks to last 3 weeks. We had some newbies join us and I was more than happy to show them the awesomeness that is PB. I think they liked it šŸ™‚

We spent one sunny and two rainy days at our rental – cookin’ up delicious eats, day drinking and most importantly digging razor clams. And yes, I dug in a tee shirt. You know clamming is good when all you need are waders and a tee. Oh and the goddess gun. Watch out clams!

Going through maj vacation/beach withdraws this week. Where are my endless games of RISK and bottomless BLs? And this whole getting up before 10am thing? Weird stuff I tell yah. Man, these next few months are going to be rough. No long weekends, no holidays…just a whole lotta work. I’m just going to go cry in a corner for a little bit.

Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Duffy's Restaurant, Aberdeen Washington
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