

IMG_2446It’s been a bit of an emotional roller coaster these past few days. My heart is both a bit heavier and a bit lighter at the same time – if that makes any sense? Heavy because a friend’s family lost their house in the Chelan Complex Fire and even heavier realizing that my other dear friend witnessed the two year anniversary of his beautiful mother passing away from cancer this week. Gawd life, can’t you make it just a little easier on the ones I love?

But then a sweet little light appeared at the end of the tunnel. A darling baby girl came into the world and joined my college BF’s growing, beautiful family this week. Welcome Miss Stella. You came along at just the right time.


Look at these $%^#&# guys.

Seriously. What a band of misfits! This is my third season playing intramural softball through Underdog Sports Leagues and I love it. It’s great getting to know new people and brushing the rust off of those batting skills. Wish I could say the same thing about my fielding, but hey, you can’t win ’em all. We play Sunday afternoons on various crappy fields around Seattle. If you are ever in the mood for a lil entertainment, come and check us out!

Seattle Underdog Sports League Softball

Team photo!



wallace falls.

Wallace Falls hike, Pacific Northwest
Yes, my friends. More hiking pictures! We tackled Wallace Falls the other weekend with our pal Kiki and his main pooch Dudley.Ā  That lil pup had a grand time AND made it to the top of the falls with little assistance needed. Poor guy was brown by the time we were done – he was a trail favorite though and EVERYONE stopped to compliment him! The trail was pretty packed that day, more so than I like, but what can you do? With all of the rain we had, the falls were pretty epic. Overall, a solid little hike with a wet ‘n wild ending at the top!

keep clam.

Clam digging on the Washington Coast

You guys…the Washington Coast. My FAVORITE place to be in this entire world (as you can tell by the photo above.) We had hearts set on NYE down there since before the wedding. Dec. 31 is always a tad boring in town so we gathered up our nearest and dearest to make the trek to Pacific Beach. Where else can you party in sweat pants AND have it be totally acceptable? Duh.

Our caravan included 9 people and 3 happy dogs, 2 extra aerobeds and enough snacks to last 3 weeks. We had some newbies join us and I was more than happy to show them the awesomeness that is PB. I think they liked it šŸ™‚

We spent one sunny and two rainy days at our rental – cookin’ up delicious eats, day drinking and most importantly digging razor clams. And yes, I dug in a tee shirt. You know clamming is good when all you need are waders and a tee. Oh and the goddess gun. Watch out clams!

Going through maj vacation/beach withdraws this week. Where are my endless games of RISK and bottomless BLs? And this whole getting up before 10am thing? Weird stuff I tell yah. Man, these next few months are going to be rough. No long weekends, no holidays…just a whole lotta work. I’m just going to go cry in a corner for a little bit.

Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Clam digging on the Washington Coast
Duffy's Restaurant, Aberdeen Washington

chihuly garden and glass.

Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle -
Electricifying art at Chihuly Glass Museum -
Outdoor art at Chihuly Glass Musesum -
I was cleaning out my phone photos the other day and totes forgot to share these with you! My gal pals always try and get together at least every other month to hang out and catch up. We’ve got one in Cle Elum, one on the Eastside, one down South then there’s me in the big ole city and it can be a challenge at times to find something that can work for all of us. I wish I could see these ladies more, but am so grateful we can connect when we do.
Our recent adventure was to the Chihuly Garden and Glass. It was a bit touristy, but none of us had been so off we went! The museum itself wasn’t huge. I suspect it only took us about 30 minutes to walk through everything, but man, in those 30 minutes your eyes had such beautiful things to see. Something about Chihuly glass just makes yah feel good, yah know? Speaking of Mr. Chihuly, he was there doing some book signing and we had a lovely, but quick exchange near the bathrooms šŸ™‚
We also made reservations at the Collections Cafe, which was stellar. We opted for patio seating and had a great lunch together. I’d definitely recommend doing this if you’re going to visit. The admission price isn’t cheap so it felt like we got a bit more bang for your buck if you will by dining there.
What are your fav, touristy Seattle haunts?
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