

IMG_0205Watching: The days slowly ticking down. We are into week 37 and she could make her appearance any day now! Week 35 was a bit of a shock when we found out she was extremely low and settled into my pelvis (-2 station if you will). I was put on limited mobility and spent the following week trying to relax AND worrying that she might be early. Now that we’re past that, it’s back to checking down the days. I have a sneaking suspicion that she’s going to be late after all of this drama!

Loving: That my baby daddy took me on a surprise Baby Moon over Labor Day weekend! It was such a treat to go back to our old college stomping grounds but being able to stay in a fancy inn/spa 🙂 Hello Chrysalis! We took the scenic route there, stopping off on Chuckanut Drive for a late lunch. Had a couples massage. Went to dinner at Boundary Bay. Reminisced about when we first started dating. It was the PERFECT getaway.  

Doing: Trying to finish up this darn nursery! We’ve got all of the furniture but the walls are still bare and I need to get some accessories into the mix. I’ve attempted to get a frame, oh say, four times now with no luck and tracking down a lamp has been nearly impossible.

Reading: I know I’m a bit late in the game on this one, but I realized that it never came up in my library cue so I ordered it off of Amazon Prime this week. I’m a quick reader though so hopefully I’ll finish it before she arrives! If anything, it’ll be a good last minute refresher. Ina May is the BOSS. I know a friend of a friend who came into this world by Ina May herself and that was beyond cool to find out. Like whoa.

Eating: A lot. I would say my hunger level these past few weeks has really, really increased. I wake up hungry, snack all day and have to cut myself off before going to bed. I’m trying to keep veggies in the mix, but it’s hard people! My latest craving is anything with cinnamon, which usually boils down to cinnamon rolls. Duh.

Thinking about: What we’re going to name this wild child! We had a name that we both really liked early on then each found separate names that we liked more than the original name but don’t like each others. Does that even make sense? So yeah, three names in the running but only one that’s agreed upon. Hoping we can find one or two more that we both like and we’ll be bringing them all to the hospital with us. It’ll be a game day decision I think!




What I'm currently up to - cultivatedrambler.comWatching: We just saw The Martian – highly recommended. I suspect I’ll be watching a ton of film footage from our trip in the coming weeks too. That’s right folks, an Adam & Leslie production coming your way in early 2016!

Loving: Incense. Yah, missed that boat in college – whoops. Snagged a few the other day at the Co-op and our home now smells like smokey myrrh and Frankincense in the evenings. It makes our house feel a bit warmer and cozier when it’s crappy outside.

Listening to: Don’t laugh….classical music. I’ve started tuning in to the local radio channel during my commute to ease my holiday/work/road rage. Plus, listening to news radio is a big bummer these days. I like to stay informed, but there’s only so much a gal can take.

Doing: Getting tons of bids on plumbing, electrical and bath renovations. Ahhh, the joys of home ownership. We’ve got a few high priority things ie. old galvanized plumbing and chipping bathtub siding that desperately need to be replaced.

Reading: I took decluttering by storm last month and was all over the book: The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art Of Decluttering And Organizing (which is why I’m so anti-gift this year!). It was a quick, two night read which led to a 6+ hour closet/dresser binge. My clothes have never been happier! 

Eating: TURKEY + all of the fixings. We often don’t have a ton of leftovers from the family holiday dinner, which is fine because secretly I like to cook a bird for just us. There’s something satisfying and adult-like about cooking up your own and it really isn’t that hard! I did attempt a dry brine this year, but couldn’t tell the difference. It all tastes the same to me once you douse it in gravy 🙂

Thinking about: Hiking in the winter months. Ya’ll know that we love a good summer hike and winters in the PNW aren’t super frigid so there is the possibility of getting outdoors still. Hmmmmmm….just need some microspikes and we’ll be good to go! Oh, and a four wheel drive vehicle!

**This blog post was inspired by – check her out!



Watching: Tomatoes ripen in the garden. WTF? I know that everything is early this year, but tomatoes in June? Get outta here.

Loving: Stella’s Elvis impression. Poor puppy has about half her teeth which makes for some ca-ute lipped pouts. Can’t get enough of her.

Listening to: The crazy amount of birds in our yard. I’ve worked very hard to keep our yard organic so as to attract beneficial birds and insects and it must be paying off! We live very close to Boeing Field and I always worried that the flight traffic would keep them away, but I guess not!

Doing: I recently spoke on a panel about non-profit event planning at the Advancement NW conference. This was my first public speaking engagement and I was HELLA nervous. I practiced for a week straight and it paid off! I loved seeing people taking frantic notes and nodding their heads as I was speaking. It was a very validating and rewarding experience!

Reading: Haven’t actually read this book yet, but I’m working on a 4,500 book mailing at work (see top left photo of my temporary book storage in our parking garage!) Not sure why I volunteered to complete this project….I don’t know a thing about special mailings and this one is a doozy. I’ll be celebrating with a bottle of bubbly when these hit mailboxes. Sheesh.

Eating: Our first batch of CSA cherries! Oh man….so glad that we signed up for a fruit CSA this year through Tonnemaker! We’re pretty good on veggies with the help of our backyard garden so having a fruit-only CSA fills in the gaps for us. They had a bumper crop of cherries so we ordered extras to enjoy this week. Yum!

Thinking about: Our upcoming camping trip to Mt. Rainier. I’m so excited to get out of town for the weekend and I haven’t been to the southern part of Rainier in AGES. Looking forward to hitting up a day hike near Paradise and the general relaxation of camping with friends and family.

**This blog post was inspired by – check her out!



Seattle, Pacific Northwest, Peonies, Gardening

Currently in love with these peonies.

Watching: The new Kurt Cobain documentary – Montage of Heck. Didn’t get a chance to see it on the big screen, but man, pretty interesting stuff. I loved all of the footage from his childhood and seeing his art. The soundtrack was pretty amazing too.

Loving: This Seattle weather. 70 degrees in May? I’ll take it. And so will my tomato starts thank you very much.

Listening to: I should just take this off the list…music isn’t happening much these days unless it’s a lil live streaming action from KEXP. We’re headed to the Sasquatch music festival shortly and this concert goer is VERY unprepared. Not really sure who’s even playing :-/ I suspect I’ll be finding all sorts of cool, new music.

Doing: Meal planning. Now that the chaos of work has settled down, it’s back to making dinners at home and bringing lunches to work. Ahh…frugality.

Reading: My fav blogs these days – this one, this one and this one. I had a few library books on my kindle, but alas, 21 days is never enough time to finish them.

Eating: Fresh lettuce, arugula and spinach from the yard. This is becoming an every other day sorta thing and I’m digging it (literally.)

Thinking about: Our upcoming trip to Eastern Europe in the fall. We’ll be hitting up 6+ countries in 3 weeks and the thought of adapting to new cultures, languages and hell, even exchanging currencies is starting to stress me out. Not to mention only bringing a backpack.

**This blog post was inspired by – check her out!



South Seattle Sunset  

Watching: The Bachelor. I know, I know. It’s horrible. But Farmer Chris? Come on! He deserves to find love! Oh, and finally getting into the Netflix Marco Polo series. It was slow to start, but now I’m digging it. To think of the $$$ they dropped in making this….phew!

Loving: Fitmob, this new fitness membership that allows you access to all sorts of workout classes around town. I’m a total class whore, so being able to bounce around from yoga studio to barre class to spinning is a win for me! Gyms are notoriously pricey in Seattle so $99/mo. ain’t bad if you ask me.

Listening to: KEXP. I can’t work in dead silence so I usually have this live streaming at my desk. I’m a proud amplified member and can’t wait for their new studio to open down near Key Arena and Seattle Center.

Doing: Work son! These past few months have been filled with mostly personal time so it’s back to the professional work grind. It’ll be hard to get back into full weeks of work, but it’s time. I’ve got a million dollars to raise by April 30. No pressure.

Reading: Rick Steves Eastern Europe Guidebook. Woot! I’ve realized that I need something “big” to look forward to every year (see below.) So what’s better than knocking off a lil bucket list action? Adam and I have both dreamed of taking a few weeks off to travel Europe and now, it is time. We’re planning on going in the fall of this year. I’ve planned some pretty epic trips, but this one is going to be the biggest and baddest. I’m a bit overwhelmed just thinking about it.

2014: wedding!
2013: new house and engagement!
2012: Tulum, Mexico and Austin, Texas vacations
2011: new job!
2010: new condo!, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and Panama vacations

Eating: Anything I want, which is bad after being so good pre-wedding. I gave myself free reign for the holidays but need to get back on track. The track with more veggies and salads and less cookies. I contemplated the whole Whole30 thang, but that seems like a lot of work right now.

Thinking about: As always, my garden. It’s an obsession people, I’m sorry. I’m scheduled to go and pick out some fruit trees at a nursery in Puyallup in a couple of weeks and I’m STOKED. Garden nerd alert. I’m also working on setting up some sort of netting system to keep the birds away from my starts. My haphazard system was OK last year, but I’d like something more permanent and easy to work around.

**This blog post was inspired by – check her out!

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